Sorry can you repeat that…


Been a while since I blogged, can I remember how… Oo lets give it a go and see

Let’s set the scene, for as long as I can remember I have had to have my ears syringed or micro suctioned out.

Tiny ear canals + wax = deaf dinky (there is a point to this so stick with it).

About a year ago a colleague mentioned to me that she thought I was due to have my ears cleaned out as I was trouble hearing people again, I think she was fed up of my constantly saying, what, pardon, sorry…..

The thing was I had only just had the deed done, this was my first indication that there possibly was a problem.

Not to shy away from an issue, I booked a free hearing test with a well-known opticians’ and off I trotted.

The results showed that there was indeed significant hearing loss in both ears, the audiologist wrote to my doctors asking for me to referred to ENT for further investigation.

The waiting began, finally I got an appointment some 6 months later.

They did another hearing test which confirmed the previous test (phew not making it up then) and then in to see the consultant who took a look in my ears and decided they needed some micro suction (basically hoovering out of the ears), back into her office and she states, yep some hearing loss, off you go and we’ll see you in 3 months…. Wait what?! Ok so at that point I should’ve piped up as to why? But me being me, didn’t and off I trotted.

Skip forward 3 months…

Sat at the hospital awaiting my appointment…

Micro suction, done

Hearing tests (two), done

Then into see the consultant, she states that it snowing in her home country (Jordan btw, I asked) do we think it’s going to snow here? Umm was this another test? I know I have hearing loss but I’m sure that is what she said!

So the results, she shows me a graph with a thick red line indicating normal, right ear not too bad just under the red line and here’s the kicker the left ear is well below the red line (pfft well who the hell wants to be normal anyway?).

The consultant at first thought the hearing loss fell into the sensorineural type (this occurs when there is damage to the nerve cells in the cochlear). After a consultation with the audiologist however, she concluded that I had mixed, conductive (damage or a blockage in the outer and/or middle ear) type and sensorineural and that I may need either hearing aids or a MRI… WAIT, WHAT?!

This is the point I started panicking, an MRI that’s serious shit, I’ve seen Holby City (TV show) I know that they only do MRI’s if they really have to… OMG it’s a brain tumour right!!!!!!

At this point the consultant wants to get advice from the senior consultant and asks me to sit in the waiting room.

20 minutes later, I am called in..

They have discussed it and decided that yep I need an MRI, oh and they are booking me in for a hearing aid too. Not one or the other nope, I get both (see I’m special 😉 )

So here I am waiting for the appointments and it hits me not only are they looking for tumours, signs of a stroke or an acoustic neuroma (f##k), but what hits me really hard is that I may go completely deaf!

I am writing this listening to music, which (and I know this sounds melodramatic) is my life blood. I go to many live gigs and always have music playing.

I am trying to remain positive but for now as I enter this unknown journey, I am finding it difficult, I am genuinely scared on so many levels.